军事 & 退伍军人

Moira Plantier, Associate Registrar

At HSU, we’re honored to serve those who’ve served our country. 我们的退伍军人学生事务办公室帮助退伍军人学生和符合条件的家庭成员利用你的教育福利.


学费 Assistance Program

HSU participates in the 军事 学费 Assistance Program.  This program is available to active duty, National Guard 和 Reserve Component services members. 在HSU注册之前,服务人员应该与他们的教育服务官员(ESO)或军事服务顾问交谈.  Approved courses are eligible for assistance up to $250/semester credit hour. Learn more about the 学费 Assistance Program.

我们校园里有一位退伍军人福利协调员,他将帮助你完成在HSU开始你的学术经历所需的退伍军人福利表格, as well as provide guidance on choosing the right academic program. For information regarding the return of funds withdrawal policy please visit the 业务办公室 page.

Veteran Student Support Group

At HSU, you’ll have the opportunity to connect with other veteran students through an active group.

Veteran Student 资源

军事 Leave of Absence 和 Readmission Policy

Hardin-Simmons大学 recognizes that students who serve in the U.S. 武装部队可能会遇到军事义务迫使他们退出学习课程的情况,这种情况有时会在几乎没有通知的情况下发生. 这项政策适用于所有大学学院和课程,旨在承认并给予处于这种情况的学生适当的津贴. Notice of the student’s military service1 和 intention to return to school should be made to the university’s Office of the Registrar.


Notification of 军事 Service

学生(或武装部队的适当官员或国防部官员)必须在合理的情况下提前向大学发出口头或书面通知,说明需要离开学校服兵役. This notice does not have to indicate whether the student intends to return to the University. 另外, at the time of readmission, the student may submit an attestation of military service that necessitated his or her absence from school. No notice is required if precluded by military necessity, such as service in operations that are classified or would be compromised by such notice.

Notification of Intent to Return to the University

学生还必须口头或书面通知她在服务期满后三年内返回大学的意图. 学生因在服务期间发生或加重的疾病或受伤而住院或康复,必须在疾病或受伤康复期结束后两年内通知学校. 未在上述期限内申请重新入学的学生不会自动丧失重新入学的资格,但须遵守大学既定的休假政策和一般惯例.

A student who submits an application for readmission to Hardin-Simmons大学 shall provide documentation2 确定中国赌博平台公司因在军警部门服役而缺勤的累计时间和以往所有缺勤时间, including only the time the student spends actually performing service in the uniformed services, does not exceed five years, 并且根据本政策,该学生的重新入学资格未因因不光彩或不良行为被开除军籍或因一般军事法庭的判决而被终止.


尽一切努力协助服务成员决定是否退出或追求不完整的成绩,课程工作将在晚些时候完成. 学费 charges will be refunded in accordance with the University’s refund policies (see 退款政策Department of Defense Return of Funds Policy at http://fzbg.vig2.net/tuition-aid/business-office/refund-policy/).

Readmission of Service Members

Hardin-Simmons大学 will promptly readmit3 有哪个学生, because of military service, must be absent from the University for more than 30 consecutive days, or for fewer than 30 days if the absence results in a withdrawal from the University, with the same academic status4 as when last attending the University or accepted for admission.  If the student is readmitted to the same program, during the first academic year in which the student returns, 对学生的学费和杂费的评估将与学生离开大学时的学年相同. 然而, for the first academic year in which the student returns, 如果学生的退伍军人教育福利或其他服务人员教育福利支付的金额超过学生离开大学时学年评估的学杂费,学校可以评估该学年其他学生目前评估的学杂费金额.

If, in the judgment of the University, a student is not academically prepared to resume a course of study in which he or she was previously enrolled, or is unprepared to complete a program, the University will determine whether reasonable means are available to help the student become prepared. The University may deny the student re-enrollment if it determines that reasonable efforts are not available, or that such efforts have failed to prepare the student to resume the course of study or complete the program.

1军事 Service is defined as “voluntary or involuntary service in the armed forces, including service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve on active duty, 现役训练人员, or full-time National Guard duty under federal authority, 连续30天以上被征召或被命令服现役.”

2Acceptable documentation includes, but is not limited to the DD (Department of Defense) 214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, 由执行命令的工厂准备的值班命令副本,并附有表明已完成所述服务的背书, a letter from the comm和ing officer of a Personnel Support Activity or someone of comparable authority, a certificate of completion from military training school, a discharge certificate showing character of service, a copy of extracts from payroll documents showing periods of service, 或一封来自国家灾难医疗系统(NDMS)团队负责人或行政官员的信件,核实NDMS培训或联邦激活的日期和时间.

3 “立即重新录取”是指在学生提供重新入学意向通知后,机构必须将学生重新录取到学生课程的下一个班级或下一个班级, 除非学生要求推迟重新入学日期或特殊情况要求学校推迟录取学生.

4 “具有相同的学术地位”是指大学允许学生参加他或她上次被该机构或机构录取的同一专业, if that exact program is no longer offered, the program that is most similar to that program, unless the student requests or agrees to admission to a different program; at the same enrollment status that the student last held at the institution, unless the student requests or agrees to admission at a different enrollment status; with the same number of credit hours or clock hours completed previously by the student, unless the student is readmitted to a different program to which the completed credit hours or clock hours are not transferable; 和 with the same academic st和ing (e.g., with the same satisfactory academic progress status) the student previously had.

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